Yesternight- (yes-ter-night)
Function: adverb
1: on the night last past: on the night preceding tonight
2: at a time not long past: only a short time ago
Matalie is very good at making up her own words. Lately "Yesternight" has been the most popular. Maybe we should contact Websters and see if we can get it added.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bubba Boy's First Haircut
I have been threatening to cut Maddux's hair for a couple of weeks but couldn't bring myself to do it. It finally drove me crazy enough to jump in a do it. It was driving me crazy because it was all different lengths and it was falling out in different places. He had really long hair up top and is losing it on the sides so I got a #5 guard and went to town. I am glad because I LOVE it. Presh preshy is all I have to say. He is definitely going to have Jared's hair though. It has alot of body and wave to it and it is also coarse at the same time. He is growing up too fast.
* I cant figure out how to change the order of these pics! The first 2 are after his haircut and the last one was right before we got started. It isn't a very good representation of how bad his hair was but he is a cutie in the pic so I posted it. :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Diet! EEEK!
Tomorrow is my dooms day. I start a 5 week diet and its a strict one. I have only done weight watchers before and I usually make it 3 days before I cheat and blow my points out of the water and have to start all over. It usually takes me about 2 weeks to get back on track and I only make it a good three days once again. Needless to say this is a terrible cycle. I think I should have never stopped playing softball! Oh how nice the skinny days were. Anywho, I start the dreaded diet tomorrow. I am attacking this with a companion so at least I will have someone who is just as miserable as me. We will just snack on our celery and broccoli together while we feed our babies.
This weekend was full of basement work. We FINALLY got the bathroom done!! Wooohooo! The only picture I have is a pretty cruddy one but none the less it's a picture. Jared leaves for Omaha tomorrow and will be gone until Wednesday so the kids and I are holding down the fort. We are going to have to figure something out to make the time pass quickly. My best plan for that is to take lots of naps! Matalie probably wont go for that.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Maddux 2 month Dr appt
Maddux weighs exactly 12 pounds which puts him in the 50th percentile for his weight.
He was 23 and 3/4 inches which puts him in the 75th percentil for height and his head circumfrence was in 50th percentile. Praise God for a healthy baby boy!
Dr. H. mentioned that he is very strong and we will need to keep and extra watchful eye on him because he will be rolling over anytime now. So we cant leave him on our bed for naps anymore.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pic, it was taken with my phone.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Real Life Baby Doll
Maddux is a great baby doll for Matalie but its not going to last much longer. He is getting too big for the stroller REALLY fast. Matalie loves that baby boy so much. She normally calls him Baby Maddux Rockett or Baby Bubba Boy. We have come a long way since the day we told her that Maddux was going to be a boy and she called him "Briley" for a week and said "I don't like a baby boy, I only like a baby girl!" *First picture was the first week of April and 2nd was today.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
This Kiss......
I am totally regretting I didnt capture this on camera. Tonight we had some friends over and when everyone was leaving, everyone had to give hugs goodbye. Well, for Matalie and "B" a hug would not suffice. "B" planted a big wet one on MJ's lips! HA! When we asked them why they did it, they both responded with "I wanted to!" Oh brother, we are in trouble.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Firetrucks, school buses and police cars!
Today we went to the Parents as Teachers building and got to see a firetruck, ambulance, police car and school bus. Matalie only cared about the school bus and wouldn't get near the other 3. I tried to get her to get in all of them but had NO luck. Once it came time to look at the school bus, she was ALL about it. (Maybe because she knows Meme use to drive one ) She got on it and her and Quinn quickly found them a seat and were ready for the bus to pull out and bring them to school. She was disappointed to find out the bus wasn't going to move an inch. After all the fun we had looking at the big vehicles we went and played on the playground for a little while. Matalie is particularly fond of the swings and slides. There were tons of different toys to play on but she went back and forth between those two. Cant wait till Maddux is able to join in on the fun with his sister! Well, I can and cant wait all at the same time if ya know what I mean.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Maddux Rockett
Our Main Man is 2 months old now!
-He is smiling all the time. He smiles so big that his eyes nearly close.
-He eats all the time. He still likes to eat every 3 hours but has made it a whopping 6 hours at night. He did that a couple nights in a row but it didnt last too long.
-He loves to eat cereal from a spoon but we cant give it to him too often bc his piping gets clogged up.
-He is already wearing 3-6 months clothes bc he is a little chunker :)
-We weighed him on our scale at home just a couple days ago and he was 12 pounds. We go to the Dr on May 19th so we will get an accurate weight and length.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
We have been in the process of finishing the basement for a little time, well a LONG time now. Bless Jared's heart but he probably feels like he spends most of his free time down there. (That is unless it is football season! HA!) We, well he, is finally getting somewhere and the end is in sight. At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel on one side of the basement. Once we get the bedroom and bathroom side completely finished we will move on to the living room side. Tonight we experimented with spraying texture and it was a messy process. (Note to self: stay away from walls and husband if they have texture on them!) Cant wait until its all done!
Over the past few weeks and months I have been debating on homeschooling MJ for kindergarten and first grade. There are few reasons I think this might be a good idea but the main 2 are so that we can still have some freedom to travel and becuase I remember being so bored in school waiting on the other kids to finish their work. I feel like we can knock out a whole days worth of school in about 2-3 hours at home. We still have a couple of years to make a definite decision so we are just testing the waters a little bit with attempting some school work at home. This week we have been working on writing the letter "a". I feel like we are making some progress so I hope that we can have the whole alphabet done in a few months.
So, here it goes!
I am going to try my best and stay on top of this blog so that I can have a nice reminder of how our life was "back in the day" when we get down the road. Hope you enjoy the journey with us!
I am going to try my best and stay on top of this blog so that I can have a nice reminder of how our life was "back in the day" when we get down the road. Hope you enjoy the journey with us!
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